Euromed Invest Mentoring – The role of BSOs in the development of integrity standards to protect SMEs from unfair practices
Euromed Invest Mentoring – The role of BSOs in the development of integrity standards to protect SMEs from unfair practices
In the framework of EUROMED Invest Project, BUSINESSMED and EUROCHAMBERS organized a BSO mentoring dealing with “The role of BSOs in developing standards of integrity in order to protect SME from unfair practices” which was on July 5th 2017, in Tunis. More than 15 BSOs of the Euro-Mediterranean region attended the event such as the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII); the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), the International Chambers of Commerce of Belgium (ICC Belgium) represented by its Secretary General, Mr. Mathieu Maes, the ICC Tunisia, represented by its president, Mr. Ali Ben Yahia, and few members, the Bizerta Economic Activities Park (PAEB) and finally the Maghreb Emergent. All this BSOs were presented to share anti-corruption measures and good governance for Mediterranean SMEs.
Taking inspiration from local and European good governance, the EUROMED Invest mentoring is an opportunity to improve the BSOs global capacity in developing integrity norms in order to protect their members from unfair practices.
BUSINESMED is actually working on good governance issues and social dialogue trough South Mediterranean Social Dialogue Project (SOLID), a pilot project co-financed by the European Union which is focused on 3 targets countries: Tunisia, Jordan and Morocco.
In this regard, Mrs. Jihen Boutiba Mrad, Secretary General of BUSINESSMED, noticed that a new ISO norm 37001 is available for all Tunisian organizations who want to fight against unfair practices.
This meeting was for BUSINESSMED an opportunity to exchange some good practices from North to South and an opportunity to share new unfair measures in a multi-stakeholders approach.