Calls for tenders
Call for Expert - Business Country Desk Platform
22 July 2022

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Call for Expert - Business Country Desk Platform

22 July 2022
15 July 2022

About the Business Country Desk Platform

The Business Country Desk is a dynamic online portal, initiated by BUSINESSMED in the framework of the EU-funded project EBSOMED, in order to boost regional economic development in the southern Mediterranean Neighborhood. Besides, it confers the business community (companies, SMEs, start-ups, etc.) the unique opportunity to undertake sustainable business partnerships with their peers operating across the Euro Mediterranean and MENA region.

The BCD platform offers to its end users, a range of customized services mainly: 

  • Med Business HelpDesk: An open access to trade and investment related data shaping the business climate of 10 MENA countries;
  • Partnerships’ section that Provides an intuitive directory of the main economic operators in the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • The EuroMed Business Matching Tool that Allows BSOs and partners to organize and manage their own networking events (B2B and matching) through the platform

Purpose and Scope of the Expert’s mission

As part of this mission, the expert is required to conduct a study on the economic, regulatory, and political context, shaping the business climate of 10 Southern Mediterranean countries.

The expert will work in close coordination with the BCD Coordinator in order to update the country outlooks and to conduct a sustainability study of the BCD platform.

  • Expert’s key responsibilities
    • Update the country outlooks (economic indicators, trade and investment regulations, business climate, infrastructure, partner countries, etc.) according to a streamlined structure and online consultation standards that the expert will provide;
    • Identify each country's priorities and growth sectors/markets in each target country;
    • Ensure the periodic updating of the platform's documentary base, including the BCD’s Resources Section;
    • Conduct a mapping of potential financial and technical partners, and the potential synergies with existing comparable initiatives;
    • Provide recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the BCD platform.
  • Deliverables
    • Updated Trade and investment Guides of 10 Southern Mediterranean countries;
    • Statistical data on 10 target countries;
    • 10 country Fact Sheets on trade and investment;
    • Sustainability study of the BCD platform
    • Mapping report on relevant technical and financial partners;
    • Constant monitoring in order to ensure the platform’s update.
  • Geographical area to be covered

The study covers 10 ENI South partner countries, beneficiaries of EBSOMED project.

Once selected, the expert will receive a detailed information stating the objectives, timeline and periodic deliverables within the current consultancy mission.

Key Qualifications and skills

  • University Degree in Economics, business, or a related field;
  • At least 10 years of relevant experience in business development, consultancy and advocacy;
  • Excellent knowledge of the economic development model in the Southern Mediterranean region;
  • An in-depth understanding of the political, cultural and socio-economic background of the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood;
  • Expertise in trade, investment and international growth strategies especially in the Southern Mediterranean region;
  • Acquaintance with Institutional Support Systems Development for the Business Organizations;
  • Strong writing and proofreading skills both in English and French;
  • Outstanding Research and analytical skills, accuracy and consistency.

Start date & Mission’s period

The planned start date is August 1st 2022.

The selected expert will be assigned to carry out his mission for a period of 4 months with the possibility of renewal of the contract subject to an amendment signed by both parties.

How to apply?

Interested candidates are invited to send their applications (cover letter, resume and previous performance references) no later than Friday 22nd July 2022 to the following e-mail addresses:, and

Following a review of the applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted by e-mail and invited to an interview.

BUSINESSMED is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of gender and nationality, to apply.

All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Appels d'offres


22 August 2022

Please see the job description in 

22 August 2022

About the Business Country Desk Platform

15 July 2022