Advisory group meeting on SOLiD charter
Advisory group meeting on SOLiD charter
12/05/2018 to 13/05/2018
The Advisory Group Meeting on the 2nd draft of "SOLiD Charter for the Promotion of Social Dialogue among Employers", Trade Union Organizations and Civil Society Networks in the Southern Shore of the Mediterranean" was hosted by BUSINESSMED, on May 12th and 13th 2018, in Rabat - Morocco.
The meeting, inscribed within the third phase of SOLiD, brought together the project’s partners as well as the representatives of social partners in the 3 target countries.
The partners agreed on the overall structure and the main outlines of the discussed version, yet certain amendments are inquired taking into consideration the sectoral groups’ recommendations (TUs, Employers, CSOs) and the target countries’ socio-economic specificities.