MedaWeek 2019: for a more sustainable economy and greater openness to Africa
MedaWeek 2019: for a more sustainable economy and greater openness to Africa
BUSINESSMED, represented by its President, Saida Neghza, took part in the official opening of the Mediterranean Economic Leaders' Week "Medaweek Barcelona 2019 - A new dawn for the Mediterranean", a conference organised by ASCAME and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce from 20 to 22 November 2019 in Barcelona.
In her opening speech, Mrs Neghza stressed the importance of such an event and expressed the pleasure of BUSINESSMED to contribute through the implementation of the "Mediterranean Textile Forum – Meditex", a joint initiative to encourage fashion stakeholders in the Mediterranean to take part in the sustainable revolution of the textile sector.
The president also declared: “My commitment is for the commercial and economic integration of an Africa without borders. Cooperation between Africa, the Mediterranean, and Europe must go hand in hand with greater investment.”
This year’s summit explored the measures that Mediterranean countries need to take in order to develop a truly globalised economy. It also addressed the challenges faced by economies in a rapidly changing environment and the policies developed to cope with it.
Medaweek has acted for years as a catalyst for regional initiatives, trends, industry breakthroughs, and networking; It is an ideal platform to discuss current and trending topics among experts, businesses, organisations and other stakeholders from both sides of the Mediterranean basin