Closing Conference of the Pilot Project SOLiD
Closing Conference of the Pilot Project SOLiD
The closing conference of the pilot project for the promotion of Social Dialogue in the southern Mediterranean neighborhood (SOLiD 2016-2019) took place on March 14th, 2019 at the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels.
The closing conference, organized by BUSINESSMED in partnership with the DG Near and the EESC, saw the participation of members of the project consortium, the Euro-Mediterranean social partners (trade unions and employers’ and civil society organizations) and HE Mr. Mohamed Trabelsi, Tunisian Minister of Social Affairs, and HE Mr. Mohamed YATIM, Moroccan Minister of Employment and Occupational Integration.
This one-day event has been covered by a large number of international media. A report summarizing this conference coverage is available at the end of this article.