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Media Coverage - Launching of the INVESTMED Project

Media Coverage - Launching of the INVESTMED Project

BUSINESSMED has officially launched, on 24th November, 2020, the new project INVESTMED “InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean”, a 3.8 M€ project financed by the European Commission under the call for strategic projects of ENI CBC MED Programme under the Thematic Objective A.1 - Business and SMEs development (Promote economic and social development) and the Priority A.1.1 - Support innovative start-up and recently established MSMEs.

The ultimate goal of this 30-month project is to support the development of new, sustainable entrepreneurship and business initiatives, by creating a backing environment and facilitating access to new markets with the final goal of generating new economic opportunities and jobs for young people and women.

The event has been covered by a large number of international media. A report summarizing this coverage is available at the end of this article.

24 November 2020
Press coverage