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BUSINESSMED, voice of the social partners during the 11th UfM regional platform on employment and labour


BUSINESSMED, voice of the social partners during the 11th UfM regional platform on employment and labour

31/05/2021 to 01/06/2021

The 11th UfM Regional Platform on Employment and Labour took place online on 31 May and 1 June 2021, bringing together around 65 participants including representatives of the Ministries of Employment of the UfM Member States as well as representatives of European institutions and international organizations. 
BUSINESSMED participated in this meeting by carrying the voice and message of the social partners.

Speaking during the second session, Ms. JihanBoutiba, General Secretary of BUSINESSMED stated:“Social dialogue as an instrument of change has undergone several adjustments in the Mediterranean countries, leading its actors to be increasingly involved in the social, economic and environmental decision-making process and making Mediterranean societies more and more inclusive… As partners, we are driven by the conviction that social dialogue can be a powerful instrument to support decision-making, an instrument that we must undertake to design appropriate economic and social protection policies and prevent future crises”

The webinar was also an opportunity to present the event "UfM Regional Dialogue with Social Partners: Improving Skills for Better Employability" that BUSINESSMEd is co-organizing with UfM, GIZ and ETF on July 8, 2021.