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Results-Based Management training organized by the EBSOMED project


Results-Based Management training organized by the EBSOMED project

Tunis, Tunisia
11/04/2022 to 15/04/2022

Within the framework of the EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED, in collaboration with MDF Training & Consultancy, organized in Tunis a training workshop on Results-Based Management that was held from 11 to 15 April 2022.

The Result Based Management Training was conceived in line with other activities aimed at reinforcing the capacity of Business Support Organizations and staff in implementing and adapting project and management activities based on results chains with expected outcomes and desired impact.

The operation builds and capitalizes on the previous trainings in EU Grants Management and Advanced EU Project Development delivered, in the sense that it provides additional training and information on how to successfully manage a project with the aim of achieving the expected results.

The overall objective was to allow participants to be able to apply the acquired know-how to current and future projects and calls for proposals by creating strong results chains, and by applying assessment methods necessary to reassess and redefine results chains, in order to achieve the expected results and improved performances.

The first phase of the training took place few months ago and was conceived as an e-learning programme delivered through the online platform Moodle that participants can access   spontaneously at their own initiative. The online platform enables the participants to engage in management and project specific-exercises, allowing them to evaluate their progress in the topics addressed.

On the second phase of the training, participants were offered an on-site learning cycle provided by an expert from MDF Consultancy. This structure allowed the participants and the trainer to build on the knowledge acquired through the e-learning platform and to address more specifically the organization needs during the on-site training were they worked on concrete studies cases of the EBSOMED project.