Documents & Études

Sector Strategic Paper - The transport & logistics sector in the Euro-Mediterranean region: position, challenges & steps towards achieving an integrated multimodal transport network

This study seeks to provide a detailed analysis of the logistics and transport sector in the Euro-Mediterranean region by outlining the current position and main challenges faced by each mode of transport. The report also tackles the economic importance of the Euro-Mediterranean trade and investment relations and ways of enhancing these relations through deep and comprehensive free trade areas (DCFTAs).


MEDA Finance 2019 - Survey

The MEDA Finance Survey 2019 presents an exhaustive survey of grants, technical assistance and lines of credit offered by several aid institutions working within different economic support programmes in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia for economic development in the Mediterranean region.

This survey has been produced in the frame of the MEDA Finance 2019, an EBSOMED workshop on joint activities with donors, organized by GACIC and ASCAME, the 16th and 17th July in Cairo, Egypt.
