Introduction of the instrument "Support to Project Development Workshops" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Technical Assistance Missions" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Joint Activities with Donors" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Labelling Southern BSOs' Services" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "EU Med Roadshows in the Southern Mediterranean" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "BSOs' Management Academies" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Business Matchmaking Fora" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Cross-Sectorial Strategies" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Employers Thematic Committees" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "EU Med Roadshows in Northern and Central Europe" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.
Introduction of the instrument "Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives" by Mr Marco Cunetto, Coordinator of the EBSOMED project.