BUSINESSMED attended a webinar on the EU budgetary Process for the period (2021-2017)
BUSINESSMED attended a webinar on the EU budgetary Process for the period (2021-2017)
BUSINESSMED attended a Webinar on 29 April 2020 organised by the European confederation of Relief and Development NGOs, Concord Europe, which aimed to deepen knowledge of the EU budget process and provide crucial guidance on how to effectively engage with EU delegations.
Created in 2003, CONCORD is made up of 28 national associations, 25 international networks and 4 associate members representing more than 2600 NGOs. It is an important interlocutor of the EU institutions on development policies, aiming to positively influence European development policies for a just and sustainable world.
The webinar presented the EU budget process, the multiannual financial framework (MFF) and outlined the EU's programming for the next 7 years (2021-2027). The speakers also presented the new Neighbourhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) which will be launched in 2021 and which aims to enhance and position the EU in the world. This is a unique instrument which will be based on four main lines of action: geographical programmes, thematic programmes, rapid response actions and reserve funds which can be used in needed cases.
The last part of the webinar explained how to dialogue effectively with EU delegations during the programming process.