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BUSINESSMED: CONFINDUSTRIA takes over the Presidency of the Organization for a three-year mandate


BUSINESSMED: CONFINDUSTRIA takes over the Presidency of the Organization for a three-year mandate


The Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises BUSINESSMED held on October 20, 2020 an Extraordinary Elective General Assembly online with the majority of its members. After the assessment of three past years of activity, the General Assembly appointed Ms. Barbara Beltrame from CONFINDUSTRIA as new President of BUSINESSMED, for a term of three years.

This new presidency will be a chance to rethink the major economic issues and opportunities of the region and to adapt the objectives of the organization's strategic vision… “BUSINESSMED now more than ever has a strong and preponderant role to play, and a mission to accomplish in the next years in strengthening the positioning of the organisation and make the voice of the private sector heard in European, Mediterranean and African countries through international partnerships and a portfolio of regional initiatives” … “It is now time for our Employers’ Federations to reflect, reconnect, rethink and reboot by embracing a long-term vision to respond and recover our region.”  said  Ms. Beltrame during her contribution.

Furthermore, the Extraordinary Elective General Assembly voted for its news executive board composed of Ms. Beltrame (CONFINDUSTRIA , Italy) the first vice-president (FEI, Egypt) , the second Vice-President (TUSAID-TISK, Turkey) , an executive board member from the North (MEA, Malta) and an executive board member from the South (ALI-CCIA BML, Lebanon).

The BUSINESSMED Secretariat extends its warmest congratulations to the members of the new executive board and wishes them a successful mandate in representing the voice of the Euro-mediterranean businesses.