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Joint dialogue between the "private and civil sectors" on development issues and the impact on social and economic policies in Palestine


Joint dialogue between the "private and civil sectors" on development issues and the impact on social and economic policies in Palestine

Ramallah, Palestine

The SOLiD project for the promotion of social dialogue in the southern Mediterranean has organized a series of important meetings and workshops since last September, the last of which took place on October 4, 2022 in Ramallah, during which representatives of the civil and private sectors and trade unions met in the framework of efforts to unify the vision, activities and events on development issues so as to come out with recommendations for a better social and economic policies in Palestine.

The meetings emphasized the importance of partnership and integration between all parties representing workers in Palestine, as this is a necessary condition to advance social dialogue and achieve the goals of sustainable development and social justice. The panellists also discussed the challenges of employment, decent work, the relationship between the private sector and civil society, and the common priorities of the sector.

Participants reviewed the various obstacles and challenges faced by employers, the role that employers' organizations play in the social dialogue process, and the importance of their effective participation in social dialogue due to its importance for achieving economic development in its various areas.

The participants agreed on the importance of social dialogue between all parties, given the important role it plays in promoting societal stability and advancing the goals of sustainable development. They also agreed that broadening the base of social dialogue is in the public interest and the rule of law and the achievement of balance between the various parties, in addition to the importance of   civil society institutions regarding the important role played   in Palestinian society in various fields.

The private sector has shown great flexibility and welcome to integrate civil society into social dialogue, which would help promote the advancement of social dialogue at the Palestinian level and its coherence with the Sustainable Development Goals, stressing the importance of coordinating positions between the private sector and civil society - as much as possible - on issues of common concern.