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Participation of BUSINESSMED in the "Activation for Recovery" webinar


Participation of BUSINESSMED in the "Activation for Recovery" webinar


BUSINESSMED was invited to participate on September 25, 2020 in the webinar "Activation for Recovery", jointly organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Employment Confederation (WEC).

This event was part of a series of webinars that are organised to exchange knowledge and discuss policy options for a sustained recovery and reintegration of workers in decent employment.

Bringing together social partners, government policymakers, academia and representatives of the public and private sectors, the webinar provided an opportunity to exchange about strategic options for a sustainable recovery and reintegration of workers into decent work following the Covid-19 crisis.

The discussion helped addressing the impact of the pandemic on employment, employment services and social protection, presenting responses, initiatives and lessons learned that could inspire the road to recovery.

The outcomes of the discussions will inform support actions to the constituency of both organizations and promote further collaboration between them and other business associations.