Participation of BUSINESSMED in the UfM Forum on trade and investment
Participation of BUSINESSMED in the UfM Forum on trade and investment
BUSINESSMED, took part on November 12, 2020 in the “UfM Forum on Trade and Investment: Creating Employment Opportunities in the Context of COVID-19” organized by the Union for the Mediterranean UfM and the BundesministeriumfürwirtschaftlicheZusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), a forum bringing together policy makers and representatives from the private sector, civil society and academia to discuss the importance of trade and investment promotion for employment and economic development in the Mediterranean region.
Through his intervention in the panel “More investment equal more jobs?” Employment opportunities through FDI”, the representative of BUSINESSMED addressed the framework conditions necessary for investments to lead to job creation and sustainable economic development in the southern Mediterranean region. He called for filling gaps in the ecosystem and strengthening local coordination, identifying reinvestment projects in foreign-owned subsidiaries, creating territorial employment opportunities, and streamlining administrative procedures that hinder investment partnerships.
He also emphasized the development strategy of BUSINESSMED, which focuses on entrepreneurship, investment and innovation. This involves, among others, the creation of the Business Country Desk (BCD) platform, which provides free services to investors and SMEs in the Mediterranean.