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The role of Youth and Women in Social Dialogue highlighted during the SOLiD Regional Seminar on Economic & Social Issues


The role of Youth and Women in Social Dialogue highlighted during the SOLiD Regional Seminar on Economic & Social Issues

Beirut, Lebanon
29/03/2022 to 30/03/2022

In the framework of the SOLiD project the Arab NGO Network for Development in cooperation with the Arab Trade Union confederation and BUSINESSMED  organized  a regional seminar under the title “The Role of Women and Youth in Social Dialogue” on Tuesday and Wednesday at 29-30 March 2022 in Beirut, Lebanon.

 The seminar brought together youth and women, representatives of employers, trade unions and civil society organizations from the six project target countries to discuss and identify solid solutions to the socio-economic concerns of the region. The symposium also presented the developments achieved by SOLiD, while organizing interactive sessions with experts, specialists and social partners dealing with priority issues within the framework of the Social Dialogue, especially the challenges of employment, recovery after the spread of the Corona virus, job creation, youth in the labour market and gender discrimination.

The event was an opportunity to involve youth and women by explaining mechanisms and concept of social dialogue and by getting the feedback of these particular groups, historically not involved in that kind of subject. Journalists and experts were involved in the moderation of each panel in order to facilitate the exchanges and the comprehension of these concepts that, because of their specificities, could be hard to assimilate for an audience that is not used to social dialogue terms and concepts.

The second day was devoted to analyses of social policies towards post-Covid recovery from the point of view of youth and women: working groups attempted to identify priorities such as social spending, social protection, health, etc.). The groups highlighted socio-economic differences in relation to immigration and asylum: conditions and rights of migrant workers to work, refugees’ rights to work and other important topics in the region.

The regional seminar concluded with the interventions of project partners, representatives of the European Union and international organizations who called for collective reflections for change towards more peaceful and resilient societies.