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World Environment Day: BUSINESSMED presents the INVESTMED project


World Environment Day: BUSINESSMED presents the INVESTMED project


On the 4th of June 2020, BUSINESSMED took part in the webinar entitled “Green entrepreneurs: Taking challenges as opportunities” that took place during the world environment day. The event was organized by European Commission’s DG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) and the EU Neighbours South project as part of the celebrations of the World Environment Day.

The webinar focused on the new challenges facing green entrepreneurs in the post-coronavirus context and the opportunities offered by EU-funded projects.

The ENI CBC Med Programme was represented by a staff from BUSINESSMED who discussed the recently approved strategic project “INVESTMED” (InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean). The EU funded project, gathering 9 partners from Egypt, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia, aims to support the development of new, sustainable entrepreneurship and business opportunities and jobs for young people and women via specific supporting measures such as capacity building, financial support, access to finance and intellectual property rights.

BUSINESSMED has stressed through the intervention of its representative the need to promote synergies between projects with similar vocation in order to achieve more effectively the objectives and reach the largest possible number of beneficiaries.