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42 Months
3.333.249 €

SOLiD-South Mediterranean Social Dialogue is a 42-month programme with a budget of 3.333.249 €, funded up to 90% by the European Union. It is coordinated by a consortium of 4 partners: The International Trade Union Organization (ITUC), The Arab Trade Union Organization (ATUC), The Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED-UMCE), The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND).

The SOLiD project is the result of long-term EU support for social dialogue in the Mediterranean region; it strengthens economic and social councils and gradually opens up dialogue to civil society organisations.

The SOLiD pilot project, implemented in three countries (Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia), has integrated civil society as a full partner in the project, alongside and at the same level as employers' and workers' organisations, and has contributed to the development of the Charter to promote Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean countries.

The SOLiD II project aims to build the capacity of social actors (employers' organisations and their counterparts, workers' trade union organisations) in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia to promote institutionalised, strengthened, dynamic and inclusive social dialogue.




The Overall Objective of the SOLiD II programme is to to contribute to the improved social dialogue in the target countries, namely the pilot countries (Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia) as well as the new ones (Algeria, Lebanon and Palestine).

The component to be implemented by the International Trade Union Confederation and its partners, aims at enabling an inclusive and structured social dialogue. It will translate the Charter to promote social dialogue in the South Mediterranean into concrete national action plans in the countries of the pilot phase (Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia) and extend the action to 3 new countries, Algeria, Lebanon and Palestine.

The objective of this component is to strengthen the consultative role of economic and social partners, including the broader civil society, in the Euro-Mediterranean region; to promote a dynamic, inclusive and reinforced institutionalised social dialogue and to promote social inclusion through social dialogue tools and organised tripartite institutions.

The Project aims to :

  1. Improve the environment for social dialogue between economic and social actors in the target countries of the southern Mediterranean
  2. Strengthen civic and multi-stakeholder dialogue on the implementation of the Charter on Social Dialogue between Civil Society Organisations and regional and local authorities.
  3. Establish a Community of Practice (CoP) including Economic and Social Councils, public authorities, NGOs, local authorities, media in the target countries and at regional level.


  • Studies on Economic and social situation in the new target countries
  • National Social Dialogue Capacity building Programme
  • Regional Seminars on economic and social issues (local authorities and professional associations)
  • Regional Seminars on economic and social issues (youth and women)
  • National Multipartite group meetings on the Charter’ action plan
  • SOLiD promotional weeks
  • SOLiD Charter Local Days
  • EU Social Partners’ Exchange Visits
  • Quadripartite Regional Conference on Social Dialogue 
