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BUSINESSMED : The Blue Transition Scenario 2050 for the Mediterranean

BUSINESSMED : The Blue Transition Scenario 2050 for the Mediterranean

BUSINESSMED took part in the webinar “The Blue Transition Scenario 2050 for the Mediterranean: Towards a TRIS Development Model”, organised online the 8th of July 2020 by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA and the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies – EMNES, in cooperation with the Union for the Mediterranean and the GIZ.

During her intervention, Jihen Boutiba, General Secretary of BUSINESSMED, mentioned that in order to benefit from the digital switchover, the Mediterranean region has to move to a total digitalisation of the whole area whereas currently digitalisation only concerns certain areas and domains.

In this perspective BUSINESSMED is developing, within the framework of the EBSOMED project, the Business Country Desk platform, the only regional platform providing digital services to SMEs through three main dimensions: partnerships, Business helpdesk and matching actions and tools.


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1 September 2020
Press coverage