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Media Coverage - Joint Event KAS-BUSINESSMED "Experts’ Workshop Economic Recovery in the South Med Region post-Covid19"

Media Coverage - Joint Event KAS-BUSINESSMED "Experts’ Workshop Economic Recovery in the South Med Region post-Covid19"

In the strive towards an economic recovery in the Southern Mediterranean region in a post-pandemic context, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and the Union of the Mediteranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED) joined forces by hosting an Experts’ Workshop that intends to provide:

  • An overview on the current economic and geopolitcal situation in the South Med region;
  • An Insight on the latest recovery reforms as well as the ongoing efforts deployed by the international and regional business agencies since the pandemic outbreak;
  • Broadening the understanding of the expectations and the perspectives of the regional integration and the renewed EU-neighbourhood partnership including the opportunities offered within the Neighbourhood, development and international cooperation instrument (NDICI);
  • A glimpse on crisis resilience from a sectoral perspective and implications for businesses.

The event has been covered by a large number of international media. A report summarizing this coverage is available at the end of this article.

11 October 2021
Press coverage