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SOLiD - EU-ENI Southern Region Conference for the Promotion of a Community of Practice

SOLiD - EU-ENI Southern Region Conference for the Promotion of a Community of Practice

The Closing Conference of the EU funded “Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood – SOLiD”, will take place on March 14th 2019, in the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels.

The High level event organized by BUSINESSMED in partnership with DG NEAR and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will bring together eminent personalities (political and business figures, civil society organizations, international organizations, etc.) from the Southern and the Northern Mediterranean region in order to spotlight the main outcomes of the three-years project and to adopt its charter on the promotion of social dialogue in the southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood.

The EU-funded Project SOLiD is a pioneer programme whose ultimate goal is to promote a dynamic, inclusive and reinforced social dialogue via the development of the capacity of Trade Unions and their homologues of Employers’ Associations and civil society organizations and the promotion of a civic and multipartite dialogue between the social partners in three target countries: Tunisia, Jordan and Morocco, in view of the major political changes that the southern Mediterranean region witnessed since 2011.

14 March 2019
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