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142 Videos
Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Online BSO Management Academy - The Sanitarian Crisis as an accelerator of the digitalisation path of the Mediterranean Business Ecosystem

As part of a cycle of webinars on “Building back resilience” implemented in the framework of EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED, in cooperation with the

Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Thematic Committee Webinar - Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment

Many studies revealed that the advancement of women in leadership and management is integral to the growth and success of companies.

Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Thematic Committee Webinar - Vocational Training and Skills Development

BUSINESSMED is joining the call to action with the aim to address the challenges and opportunities of the VET sector and suggest a list of recommen

Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Thematic Committee Webinar - Education and R&D on Energy Technologies

BUSINESSMED and its members believe that Employers have a key role in addressing the energy transition in the Mediterranean and the green recovery

Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Webinar - The Upskilling Imperative: Vocational Training and the New Offer of BSOs’ Services

As part of a cycle of webinars on “Building back resilience” implemented in the framework of EBSOMED project and considering the important variable

Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Webinar - Connecting Business Initiatives Response to COVID-19: Transforming the Private Sector engagement through SDGs

COVID-19 is disrupting businesses across the globe in unprecedented ways.

Embedded thumbnail for BUSINESSMED Webinar - Correcting Labour Market Imbalances and Promoting Employment and Employability through Social Dialogue between Employers’ and Trade Union Organisations

As part of a cycle of webinars on “Building back resilience” implemented in the framework of EBSOMED project and Considering the important role tha